Dear visitor!
My name is Laura Flóra. I am a musician and a space holder. I work with music, sound therapy, movement, aromatherapy and the voice. I am here to inspire people to find the Power of Their Expression – their authentic, intuitive and creative way of living, through different forms of art and a holistic selection of tools.
Today, I perform with my music, both electronic and acoustic, I hold sound baths, I facilitate intuitive music workshops, and I hold ceremonies and retreats according to different ancient traditions. I also offer sound therapy and aromatherapy sessions, as well as intuitive music and singing lessons, both individually and for groups. My activities take place all around the world, as I am often traveling, yet I have two bases; one in Hungary, and another one in Norway.
My space holding journey started with establishing Elemental Yoga in 2015. In 2019 I added sound baths to my events and I started to facilitate ceremonies, such as cacao and rapé. In 2020 I began practicing aromatherapy and cranio sacral bodywork as well. I build my work on the Five Elements of Nature – Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space.
I come from a family where my parents introduced me to the world of yoga, meditation and holistic lifestyle, already at the age of 12. As a child, I went to music school, sang in the national choir, played the piano and the guitar, and attended dancing courses. Later on, I learned yoga and various forms of meditation through my travels in India. I also studied and practiced different styles of martial arts, and in South America I became acquainted with music therapy, plant medicine and aromatherapy. Other than that, I have a master’s degree in Urban Ecological Planning, two Permaculture Design Course certifications, and I am above average interested in community building, nature and environmentalism.
My calling and mission is to present a wide range of tools for physical, mental and emotional health. My goal is to make it possible for everyone to pick and choose the tools that they need, and to help them integrate these in their everyday lives and get sustainable with it!
You can read more about my offerings here: